General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) is the highest authority in PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) and is a forum where shareholders gather to make important decisions where the authority is not given to Boards of Directors and Board of Commissioners as stipulated in the Articles of Association and applicable laws and regulations. GMS is held through a process of GMS announcement and summons in accordance with applicable regulations. After the announcement and summon letter for the meeting is published, all materials to be discussed at the GMS are available at PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) office, so that the Stakeholders who will be participants in the meeting can take the material. GMS consists of Annual GMS and Extraordinary GMS. Annual GMS is held by PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) every year, which includes Annual GMS on PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero)’s Annual Report of and Annual GMS on the Company’s Work Plan and Budget (GMS RKAP), while Extraordinary GMS can be held at any time based on the needs and for the benefits of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero). GMS holding is preceded by the GMS invitation, which is carried out in accordance with applicable regulations.


  1. The right to request a GMS to be held;
  2. The right to request information on the GMS agenda;
  3. The right to submit proposals to be discussed in the GMS agenda;
  4. The right to attend and vote in the GMS;
  5. The right to obtain information about the
  6. Company, in a timely and regular manner;
  7. The right to receive a portion of the Company’s profits which are beneficial for Shareholders in the form of dividends and other profit sharing.


General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) is the highest authority in Pelindo and is a forum where shareholders gather to make important decisions where the authority is not given to Boards of Directors and Board of Commissioners as stipulated in Pelindo’s Articles of Association and all applicable laws.

GMS is held through a process of GMS announcement and summons in accordance with applicable regulations. After the announcement and invitation letter for the meeting, all materials to be discussed at the GMS are available at IPC office, so that the Stakeholders who will be participants in the meeting can take the material.

GMS in the Company consists of Annual GMS and Extraordinary GMS. Annual GMS is held by Pelindo every year, which includes