Board of Directors is required to identify, record, and communicate information (financial and non-financial) related to the implementation of its main tasks and functions in the right time and form (format) to facilitate its implementation, control and accountability. Communication of information must be carried out effectively, both within the Company’s environment and communication with related external parties.

Effective communication in the Company is carried out by:

Principle 13: Using Relevant Information The Company obtains or produces and uses quality, relevant information to support the effectiveness of the components of internal control.

  1. Identify the information needed
    A process is implemented to identify the information needed and expected to support the effectiveness of internal control and the achievement of the Company's objectives.
  2. Obtain external and internal data
    Information systems can obtain external and internal data.
  3. Processing relevant data into information
    Information systems process and convert relevant data into information.
  4. Maintain quality throughout the process
    Information systems produce information that is timely, current, accurate, complete, accessible, protected, and verifiable, and can be stored. Information is reviewed to assess its relevance in supporting the effectiveness of internal control.
  5. Considering costs and benefits
    The nature, quantity, and accuracy of information are synchronized to support the achievement of the Company's objectives.

Principle 14: Internal Communication

The Company communicates information internally, including the objectives and responsibilities for internal control, which is needed to support the effectiveness of internal control.

  1. Communicating internal control over information to employees A process is implemented to communicate the information needed to enable employees to understand and carry out their internal control responsibilities.
  2. Communicating with the Board of Commissioners
    There is communication between the management/Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners, so that they have the information needed to fulfill their role in achieving the Company's goals.
  3. Provide separate line of communication
    Separate line of communication is implemented as fail