Example of Fraud:

  1. Performing illegal levies in any form in carrying out their duties for the interests of personal/group/other party;
  2. Requesting a sum of money or a gift from potential supplier as a substitute for a job; and
  3. equesting a certain amount of money or a gift from a customer in exchange for a special service.


An act/activity that is intentionally and consciously intendend against the law to possess goods that are wholly or partly owned by another person, which is currently under their control, not because of a crime. (KUHP Article 372).

Example of Exortion:

  1. Deliberately and unlawfully owns an object which is wholly or partly owned by the company, which is under his/her control either because of his/her position or not because of his/her position; and
  2. Performing dishonest actions by hiding company goods/ assets without the company's knowledge with the aim of possessing, controlling, or using them for other purposes.


PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) together with a third party as partner in implementing the WBS system have received and monitored complaints, both internally and externally, and made monthly reports to Pelindo Bersih Team as counterpart as regulated in the Board of Directors Decree No. SK.01.01/31/12/1/ HLTI/UTMA/PLND-21 dated December 31, 2021 regarding the Duties and Responsibilities of Pelindo Bersih Committee in the Implementation of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero)’s Whistleblowing System, which consists of:
