The tenure of a member of the Board of Commissioners ends when:
of Commissioners based on the Articles of Association and other laws and regulations.
Pelindo always maintains the diversity of the composition of Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors to encourage more objective, comprehensive, optimal decision making, hence can positively affect the supervision and management of the Company. With diverse composition of Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors, the Company is expected to be able to enrich the point of view in decision making, both within Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors, so as to be able to provide added value in the operational activities and management of the Company, including the implementation of corporate governance.
The Board Manual has stipulated that Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors members must meet the knowledge and expertise requirements. This shows that Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors must possess a variety of knowledge and expertise in accordance with the operational needs of the Company. The Company has not developed a policy on the diversity of Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors composition in particular. Age and gender diversity has not been regulated because the Company still emphasizes on the diversity of expertise regardless of age and gender.