- Scope of work;
- Goals and objectives of the work; and
- Duration of assignment.
- The scope of work for special tasks of Audit Committee is fully determined by the Board of Commissioners as long as does not against the applicable laws and regulations;
- In carrying out special tasks, Audit Committee may:
- Reviewing all necessary records, documents and other information including the minutes of Board of Directors meeting and Board of Commissioners meeting if deemed necessary;
- Conducting an investigative audit by cooperating with SPI or ask for assistance from experts or consultants to assist the Audit Committee; and
- Audit Committee submits a report on the implementation of special tasks to the Board of Commissioners.
Audit Committee responsibilities are as follows:
- Audit Committee is responsible to the Board of Commissioners.
- The accountability of Audit Committee to the Board of Commissioners is presented in the following report:
- Annual report on the implementation of Audit Committee duties;
- Quarterly Report on the implementation of Audit Committee duties; and
- Reports for each implementation of special tasks of Audit Committee.
- Audit Committee is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the Company’s documents, data and information.
In carrying out its duties, Audit Committee is authorized to:
- Examine books, letters, and other documents, check cash for verification purposes and other securities and examine the Company’s assets;
- Entering yards, buildings and offices used by the Company;
- Requesting an explanation from the Board of Directors and/or other officials regarding all issues related to the management of the Company; and
- Acknowledge all policies and actions that have been and will be implemented by the Company.
In carrying out its duties and responsibilities, Pelindo’s Audit Committee refers to the Audit Committee Charter of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) which was last stipulated by the Board of Commissioners through Board of Commissioners Decree No. 09/ KEPDK/PI.II/ VII-2017 dated July 14, 2017 regarding the Update/ Stipulation of the Charter of Audit Committee, Risk Management Monitoring Committee, Nomination & Remuneration Committee of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero). The Charter contains provisions that must be complied with in the establishment and implementation of Audit Committee’s activities so that they can work independently, objectively, independently, transparently, and