1. Conducting socialization of gratification control within PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) in coordination with the Regional GCU Team;
  2. Receive reports, recapitulate and report gratuities from internal parties of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) to the Head Office GCU Team and a copy to the Regional Head; and
  3. Storing the goods of gratification until the status of the goods is determined by KPK and reporting it to the Head Office GCU Team with a copy to the Regional Head.

Reporting Mechanism


In the event of a gratification occurs, as stipulated by the Company, the relevant Pelindo People must report it in the following manner:

  1. Gratification Reporting Channel, if Pelindo People receive Gratification goods:
    1. Reporting Through KPK
      The Gratification Report is submitted online through the Online Gratification (GOL) application. The Gratification Report will be processed by KPK within 30 (thirty) working days after the report is declared complete and received by KPK. For more complete information, see https://gol.; and
    2. Reporting Through the Company's UPG Team
      If Pelindo People receive gratuities directly or indirectly, they can fill out the Company’s UPG Gratification Report form as attached, no later than 7 (seven) working days from the receipt date of the Gratification by submitting the object of gratification received.