To attract quality HC to support achieving an optimal performance, the Company has instigated a transparent and open recruitment process. Recruitment is carried after an analysis of employees required based on a need analysis prepared by the Company’s HC Strategy Division. Recruitment requirements are widely conveyed through the website, the Company’s social media, and national newspapers. Equal opportunities are given to everyone, both male and female to participate in the recruitment of workers as long as they meet the required criteria, regardless of the background of the prospective employees, including ethnicity, religion, race, and physical condition. The Company recruits prospective employees after referring to the selection results, the evaluation results during the probationary period, and the employees’ orientation achievements.

The recruitment stages are:

  1. Open Public Announcement;
  2. Registration via the Website;
  3. Selection Administration;
  4. Swimming Test (for Pilot Position);
  5. First Stage Selection Test (Potential Academic Test);
  6. Second Stage Selection Test (Psychology and English);
  7. User Interviews;
  8. Health Test; and
  9. Interview with the Board of Directors.

In 2021, prior to the merger, through the Company’s Recruitment Program, 6 (six) people were recruited as Organic Employees. After the merger of the Company with PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I, III, and IV to become PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero), the Company’s strategy was for minus growth in an effort to achieve the value creation target folloeing the merger of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero). To achieve minus growth, the Company did not carry out a recruitment program for Company employees for the remainder of 2021. Currently, the Company is developing a recruitment policy that is in accordance with the conditions and strategies of the Company post-merger.


The Employee Competency Development Policy is contained in the PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) Board of Directors Regulation No. HK.01/18/2/1/PSBL/UTMA/PLND-22 dated February 18, 2022 concerning Employee Learning at PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero). The Employee Learning Program consists of:

  1. Education Program, a program to improve academic competencies through formal educational institutions at the diploma, undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral levels;